Tuesday, March 20, 2007

CyberMania Quarter Final

20th March
Today is CyberMania CounterStrike quarter final
I've been nervous whole day, will we met our opponent @@"...
Familiar face - we kept their skin in the International Game~~ =P
wow~ So happy ^^

Results :
RF 16 : 0 TP
Teamop 16 : 1 NOob3rs
cNc 16 : 2 SmokiNg D3ligh+
pur3 16 : 0 Elimination

21st March's schedule :
Match 1 : RF vs Teamop
Match 2 : pur3 vs cNc

China team of year 3 students, won 07' IG 1st Runner-up. They advanced to semi so easily... They swore to revenge to RF team for being beaten in the IG.

RF -Red Flags
China team of final year students, won 07' IG Champion. They have shown extraordinary skills and teamwork all this long. Highlight when they beaten the last year WCG NTU Qualified 2nd Runner-up 16:0. can consider as a Godlike team le @@"...

China team of year 2 students, 07'IG semi-finalists. Considered as a strong and skillful team, but not as good as Teamop and RF. Anyway they won us in the IG >.<

Malaysia bloody junior little team ^^
6players~ I'm 1 of it =P ...Nth special >.<... Just wanna get into top 3 of CyberMania~~~

1 Love Quotes:

16-5 lose to cNc...