Thursday, March 08, 2007




--Recently I felt that I did not expose myself as much to the marvelous World of Science, which seems kinda unhealthy for a Science student like me.
Therefore, I decide to add in some Scientific article, or maybe some report paper to my blog =)

Medical Update
>> New Cell Discovery

Scientists at the University of Calgary have identified a gene that could lead to dramatic new treatments for breast cancer and other diseases.

The gene makes the protein components in a previously unidentified part of the cell: GW bodies. ''The GW bodies and their unusual proteins play an important role in a new pathway that controls or ‘silences' genes within the cell. This has become one of the hottest areas in developing new avenues for therapies aimed at a variety of diseases,'' says Dr Marvin Fritzler, professor of medicine, biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of Calgary.

The scientists, along with colleagues at the University of Florida, found that these unique proteins are particularly prevalent in nerve tissues and breast-cancer cells. ''The next step is to manipulate these proteins in breast-cancer cells,'' says Dr Theophany Eystathioy, a research associate in Fritzler's laboratory. ''The drugs currently used are too wide-ranging in their approach. We plan to use this new knowledge to attack breast cancer where it first begins: within the genetic code of the cell itself.''

These findings contribute to a growing body of international research focused on how genes are controlled within the cell by microRNA, which serve as switches to turn genes on and off. ''About 30 per cent of genes appear to be regulated by microRNA,'' says Fritzler. ''We hope this discovery will help us develop better diagnostic tools and new treatments for cancer and immune disorders,'' says Eystathioy.

RD Asia, The Scientist

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