Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The "Missing Link" unveiled??

NEW YORK - THE nearly complete skeleton of a small 47 million-year-old creature found in Germany was displayed on Tuesday by scientists who said it would help illuminate the early evolution of monkeys, apes and humans.

About the size of a small cat, the animal has four legs and a long tail.

It's not a direct ancestor of monkeys and humans, but it provides a good indication of what such an ancestor may have looked like, researchers said at a news conference.

Because the skeleton is so remarkably complete, scientists believe it will provide a window into primate evolution.

The animal was a juvenile female that scientists believe died at about 9 or 10 months.

'She tells so many stories. We have just started the research on this fabulous specimen,' said Jorn Hurum, of the University of Oslo Natural History Museum, one of the scientists reporting the find.

The creature is nicknamed Ida after Hurum's 6-year-old daughter.

The unveiling, at New York's Museum of Natural History, was promoted by a press release for the cable TV show History, which called it a 'revolutionary scientific find that will change everything.'

Mayor Michael Bloomberg, among the speakers at the news conference, called it an 'astonishing breakthrough.'

The story of the fossil find will be shown on History, which is owned by A&E Television Networks. A book also will be published. -- AP

The Straits Times

National Geographic

我们一直普遍相信人类是由猿进化而来的... 但是进化史中,高低等动物的演化却存在着一个一直无法解释的进化缺环(The Missing Link)....



不懂有没有人发觉,Google的Homepage那个图案也换上了Ida的Illustrate.... =)

-Shin- '09

2 Love Quotes:

wa 你还有收集 @@"....
只是偶尔留言到的时候会去看看是干什么的.... =)
