Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Bz latterly,thus kena post it so darn late...
This time is bout my 1st turn up 2a surpassing musicale - The MusicZone 音乐疯
No Bounce,No Play..For sure,befit by my antic acquaintance of 05'6s2,8 idiots step into the Stadium Merdeka..(2 reached abit later..)
Frankly speaking,tat was jus a CHAOS 4me,cuz our GapZaiQueen got some FREE-STANDING tickets 4us...Bloody hell...( But cant blame so much la,the tickets r free wat~~~~ )
May assault sum1 but i muz say..No hard feeling ya...
I oso don understand y ppl keep goin 2kinda concert..Listen those songs tat nvr heard be4 ( some only la~ ),sweating like hell ya yet no water 2drink..aihz...
The only thing tat catch my attention was tat,GapZaiQueen said tat bloody 欧得洋 1st time 露面 to the public wo,althou he not so lengzai,but i love his song...
Wat made me feel nice wasn't those singers' songs,but 2talk cockz wif GapZaiQueen during the concert n wif those buddies after the concert...Yeah~!
p/s : GapZaiQueen add oil~I believ u can de^^

Thursday, November 24, 2005

The Blessed 1~

A story about Love & Dedication...

Incredible stories running around us everydayz,
some we buried deep in our memories,
and yet some waiting desirously to be discovered...
All-inclusively,this 1 touch me real deep...
A heart-warming story btw
SexSea & PJae~
Both my buddiez~
I believ u guyz knw what happened 2them in the past,
n many of u may think there's a GameOver...
In luck,sum1 doesn't giv up until the very end,
Love & Care set the story up,
while Perseverance,Determination & Persistence keep the story on...
22nd Nov 2005..
At last,the moment's at hand,
And they've come to decide their fate,
For God's sake,
They bravely deal with the unknown heart to heart and face to face,
And now...KaaBooOoMmmMM~
They're connected in a powerful way~^^
This tells me 1 thing...
Never Give Up Till The Very End,If You Believe The Spirit is Right~!
Be of Good Hope alwaz~!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


o   Like the fresh
o     dewdrops
  o    of a
 o   new day....

My life got refreshed because of you...
     May God lays His lovely hands on you...Amen...
  Thx for being a part of my wonderful groups of life =)

Saturday, November 19, 2005

WCG Theme Song - "Beyond The Game"

It has been 2 dayz since i last updated my Blog...
Now i gonna share a story wif u guyz~
It's when I went for b'fast 2day morning(well~don b shocked~i seldom wake tis early~~!!^^)
Nothing special~except for I heard a mother scolding her son(in cantonese ya~):
Well well~~I should told the mother,actually,it's not true saying so...
Do you guyz knw a famous International Competition known as "WCG - World Cyber Game"?
Guess u don if u're not a cyber fancy~
It's a platform where all "high hand" frm all over the world stick 2gether n MATCH~!
Nonetheless,Malaysia send their teams also~
For the latest news,our CS team goes into SemiFinal edi~but tis time they gonna huv a real big trouble on their hand~they're against the last year champion..Anyway,best of luck for them`!
For this year,the Grand Final of WCG is at Singapore~!(16/11 ~ 20/11)
wow~but so pity i cant go~
So,now,at here,I'm gonna share a real nice song wif u guyz~
WCG theme song - Beyond The Game
It's real nice~try download it if can..Below is its lyric..

                                   Beyond The Game
(Go beyond...)
(Go beyond the game...)

Ooooooooooh, yeah! (yeah! yeah! yeah!)

You and I we have met before
Through the magic of the moment in cyberspace
Driven by a passion to win
Playing heart to heart and face to face

The challenge of a lifetime
Stands before us now

Beyond the game
Through the portal into cyberspace
We have come to decide our fate
We're here to celebrate
Beyond the game!

Beyond the game
At last the moment's at hand
All we need is to believe we can
We'll make our stand
Beyond the game! (Beyond the game!)
Beyond the game! (Beyond the game!)
Beyond the game! (Beyond the game!)
The World Cyber Games!

The teams are here; the spirit is right
We're connected now in a powerful way
We celebrate our diversity
Around the world with a passion to play

The planet will be watching
The message will be heard

Beyond the game
Through the portal into cyberspace (oooh, yeah!)
We have come to decide our fate
We're here to celebrate
Beyond the game!

Beyond the game
At last the moment's at hand
All we need is to believe we can
We'll make our stand
Beyond the game!

Through the portal into cyberspace (oooh, yeah!)
We have come to decide our fate (aw aw aw!)
We're here to celebrate
Beyond the game! (Beyond the game!)

[radical guitar solo]

Beyond the game
At last the moment's at hand (oooh, oh!)
All we need is to believe we can (aw, unh!)
We'll make our stand

Beyond the game! (Beyond the game!)
Beyond the game! (Beyond the game!)
Beyond the game! (Beyond the game!)
The World Cyber Games!

Thursday, November 17, 2005




aik~once again,the road to be a "good man" has proved so hard 2 walk on~
It's jus like handling the ship at the North Pole..
If you don bcereful,
you might crash on an Iceberg..A real big one..
haha..It seems like I gonna add oil le~!!
Go Shingo~!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Life is Beautiful~

Life ends when you stop dreaming,
Hope is lost when you stop believing,
Love fails when you stop caring...

So,Dreamz,Believe and Care alwaz~

Life is Beautiful o~

关于毕业 ( My last Chinese compo )

记得在上一个漫长的学校休战期里,闲得几乎把家里范围的土地都给测量过了,还好在脑袋快要生锈前,老妈子在家中安装了网路宽频Streamyx,好让家中几个足不出户的“秀才”( 当然还包括我啦~!) 接触接触网络世界,藉此瞻望世界的大舞台。记忆犹新的是当时在网上论坛上,看到了许许多多的前毕业生将他们的毕业感言post上去(真的好多噢~)。当时还在暗笑这些人的拖拖拉拉、拖泥带水,但是,现今终于自己到了高三毕业前夕,种种的感触,才一股脑儿地在眼前闪过…(讽刺啊~,五十步笑百步=P)…



(好啦~!言归正传~)很多高二过后就拍拍翅膀飞到校外的老朋友常问我说:“喂,鑫啊!怎样?高三毕业的心情是怎样的?” 二话不说,我就只回以“嘿嘿” 两声。这是你们所没有也无法体会的。我打从心里地想如此回答他们,当然,是想乘机取笑他们竟在美好的中学生涯的结尾留下了一段空白,但为了避免挨拳头,我还是一直把这一番话留给自己(直到现在写了出来=P~)。老实说啊,我怎会知道毕业时是什么心情呢?毕竟还得呆在学校两个月嘛~真是的…但,我想啊~,中学的毕业,该不同于小学吧!少了骊歌与一袋袋的糖果、零食,却该会多出几把眼泪鼻涕吧!

有时候,总觉得世界就像个大舞台,我们都是舞台上的演员(ei~莎士比亚好像有这样说过噢~)。从哭哇哇的在亲长的围观下登场,到现在生龙活虎地在众人面前落力演出,时光的消逝,真快得令人咋舌。身边很多朋友到了现在,才惊觉过去捉住太少、活得太平凡,慌张张地,开始回味过去的滴滴点点,想为自己保留些什么似的。中学生涯的酸甜苦辣,总离不开“朋友” 二个字,或许他们早已发觉,其实心底藏着一个人,天涯海角也能带着他走,所以才匆匆地想把朋友摆在自己心中的一席位子中。另一些较为现实的朋友则认为,追求只是一种手段,生活才是目的。从他们的观点看来,过去的,就该让它过去,若已消逝的仍无法忘怀,那么,自己的未来不会是别的,只会是蒙上一层灰尘的过去。嘻嘻,那么我呢?


回想起从前的一举一动、一言一语,总会把自己弄得哭笑不得。每次和朋友吃火锅时,都会说菜很好吃,于是他们就会吃菜,但我却一直夹肉…直到被揭穿的那天,才狠狠地给K了一顿,当然牺牲一下钱包的三军将士是在所难免的了=P。记得有一次朋友夸口说他的马子有着“天使般的面孔,魔鬼般的身材” ,过后还领着半信半疑的我们去会一会她,一看之下,我立时搬出一付认真的样子,说道:“你刚好说反了。”Waw~!感谢上帝还让我能活到今时今日没被朋友给宰了,我只不过是比别人多一份诚恳罢了,不必如此厚待我吧!

著名作家何权峰曾说过:“生命是一支舞蹈,而不是一次摔跤。” 但我想啊,老子的中学生涯可比摔跤更刺激呢~!中学时代的我真的很调皮、坏蛋,常常被师长训话,差点儿就遭施“清朝十大酷刑” 呢!人家说,一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳,谁知被蛇咬了之后,我就学会了刨蛇皮,并喜欢吃蛇肉羹。屡次三番惨遭大刑侍候后,我非但没有改过,更学会了如何“在合法的规矩下为所欲为” ,儒子不可教也!好在的是,渐渐年长的我,已更懂得收敛自己、更“生性”了。粗枝大叶的我,从来不懂得照顾自己,初一时曾经把手啊、脚啊,都给跌断了,真糟糕啊~!更甚的是,到了初三,竟把门牙也给摔断了(意外而已啦~!还好事后种了回去…),累得家人急得如热锅上的蚂蚁,真paiseh呢!

讲到整个中学时代影响我最深的,要数我心爱的童军团了。几年来的训练,除了使我比别人多了几处伤疤之外,也给了我不少的自信心,让我活得更坚强。令我感到难以忘怀的,是和一大班“兄弟姐妹” 一起挨过的日子,酸、甜、苦、辣都渗在其中。错把糖当盐等乌龙事件不再只出现在电视框里,手足间的肝胆相照也不再只见于武侠小说。一切一切,都已镶在我的记忆石上,没有什么能把它带走了。















Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Graduation trip~!

Graduation trip~!

finally...v've reach tis far...our last whole-class activity end liao..(stil got a steamboat i guess^^)..well...along the whole trip,i felt so happy seeing so many of u enjoy so much of the trip,tried to join each n every activities (althou i myself miss some,cuz slep overtime liao =P..)..

From 1st day, the Go Kart,i stil remember wat the bloody Kuan has done..he made us crash 2gether..very funny izzit??since then i've decide not 2play Go Kart wif him anymore (sum1 stil remember Kuan's Go Kart event at Genting there when we was form 4??? ) nice a place,i enjoy alot wif my buddies...n tat's where i start "be a good man" ^^...haha~..althou many bloody idiot flies there,i love tat place,especially the air-con~!damn cool~!And for the most memorable overall, MU beat Chelsea 1-0~!!!!waw~i was at seventh heaven tat time^^

Well..farewell to Tiara,we've gone to Lanjut Golden Beach Resort~wooo~how sweet is it^^ quiet,n not much ppl there disturbing us~yaw~so lucky my room's jus beside YS' tat i can continue 2b a "good man"~~~~( point for guessing wat's the "good man" i mean~ )..n 1 more thing i muz confess,i din grab the room frm others becuz of her ya~it's all lucks^^believe me~

Tiara..the most "terrifying" event there could be the horror walk,n not 2forget,the war interesting~many ppl got shocked izzit ??i oso got shock by the bloody snake~...n not 2forget our water-ball fun^^

At last,there came the touch me so has been quite some time since my last cry...bloody Richie made me cry...from tat night oso i told myself 2things...1st,05'6s2 shall stay in my heart forever~!!!!...2nd,i muz add oil 2b "good man"~!!haha...

Guyz....i love u all...05'6s2..Live long~