Saturday, December 09, 2006



-- 表艺营Recce & test game

我是programmer的sub-comm,兼作GL...(几乎就忙过其他的main-comm了 >.<"..)

6~7/12, 我跟着阿妈、老人家和其他几个main-comm 一起去Sentosa考察、test game...
由于是第二次去,好奇好动的我一直eng eng酱跑来跑去~~结果被嘉宝鸟了一顿,要我专心一点~~

Well...All I can say is that, Sentosa is quite a nice place to go...It's overall a nice place, I just simply lurve it, if we don't mention those place which really need some fit-up...

Musical Fountain, Underwater World etc etc...These are all very memorable tourist attractions...And the Merlion, I wish I could climb it, but, need $$ la...sienz...
Sentosa has the best scene in Singapore...For photographer like me, being not able to stay longer is just a bad thing >.<"...

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