Monday, December 18, 2006

06' 表艺营 之 舞啦啦~~ (2)

Day 3

3rd day le , finally @@"...
tml is the day for the Street Dance~~
We went Hall XV dance studio practice =P...
4 bloody guyz playing with my camera ~~ ^^


Well, of cuz, train train train...sure tire 1 ma =P
our lovely caring 美慧 and 嘉宝 went da bao some food for us ^^
yeah~~ got chicken le ~~ =P ...

美慧 and 嘉宝~~

YeeKing lurve the chicky so damn much =P ~~
He's cute ^^


AhDou also eat crazily ^^...
He's main-comm but he stil 挨饿 with us @@"


I felt superiorly nice being together with all the bloody =)
lurve them so much~~
Friendship forever ~!!

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