Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bersih 3.0

Support BERSIH 3.0 ~
Just changed my blog music as well..


Bersih, 除了再次看到人们的互助精神外,也看到了身边一个个的冷漠面孔...

Wake from dream pls...
Without efforts from these guys, you won't even know where your vote would eventually go to... Not to mention whether or not it's fair and transparent...

尤其有一些‘缩骨’在小新还是哪里的... 冷眼旁观,静观其变... 变得好,就大大方打着‘人才回流’的旗帜回去;反之,继续生活咯...
Say if Malaysia would eventually turn out to be a better place,  pls rmb those who fought and bleed in the front line...

总之有些人的想法,余某是极度鄙视的 >.<"

-Shin- '28042012

2 Love Quotes:


lei ming
walau actually i didnt refer to you la...
no worries~

u said u got more important de stuff wanna do ma~