Monday, July 31, 2006

在这里的第一个星期 - 从零出发



让我期待已久的迎新营,在我脑海里烙下了深刻的印象,Senior 们都很热情,几乎是毫无怨言的替我们东奔西跑,带我们去settle那一大堆admin的冬冬...
后羿组的Senior 们真的对我们很好很好,只是1st day我因为没睡好觉,所以一整天都好似无魂空壳到处游走 =P...


很不幸的,我们一大班中华仔一开始都分开了(but 我和Richie 分到同一个Group),面对着一大堆新面孔,有时候难免有所保留 - 但是,讲真的,美慧和立业(后羿组的Group Leader)很成功的把我们给COMBINE 在一起...新朋友们都很不错,都很颠,和大家相处真的很过瘾!!


Physics & Applied Physics
对这个Course 还一知半解的我,也只好硬着头皮尽力而为了,希望我没选错吧!!
Gosu 们~!!起跑吧!!我会迎头赶上的~!!!



Saturday, July 29, 2006

Treat Trouble Teens With Care

Lately, there have been many cases of reported teenage violence. Some of these episodes were filmed and uploaded on the Internet by their perpetrators.

Some people may not be moved by these incidents. Others may be shocked. There could be as many personal responses as there are unique individuals out there. However, the most common feeling that may arise is fear; parents fearing for their children's safety in school, children fearing school because of bullies, schools fearing for their reputation may be spoilt.

And more often than not, fear triggers our primal defensive instincts. Teenagers will become more aggresive and sensitive to feel secure, and eventually gangs will form.

The result is an overall climate of fear and loathing. As a teenager myself, I can attest to this.

Today, we live in an increasingly miserable society. The current events shaping the future aren't pretty. Just switch on a news channel or flip the newsaper and you will hear and read about wars, famine, rape, robbery, abuse and a mutitude of disaster threatening us.

In response, we become more pessimistic and cynical. And with the new trend of bullies uploading their exploits on the Internet, things do not seen to be getting perkier.

Futhermore, society treats troubled teens as if they are deadly criminals. There are ideas about "counselling" and being "rational and gentle". But really, I do not see it happening. It is sad to note that such action would only be sought each time a tragedy occurs.

An ex-tuition mate of mine took to alcohol to ease his depression. His parents kept comparing him with his tall, handsome and high-achieving brother. And when he could not live up to their expectations, his father would cane him.

To sum it all, teenage delinquency in the 21st century is a product of a vicious cycle - adults easing their frustrations in ways that have adverse effects on their children, making children uneasy with the world around them.

These youth then take out their frustrations on each other, hance, a climate of fear n loathing spreads. These teenagers are then reprimanded severely and ineffectively by their guardians.

Eventually, they will just grow up to be just like their elders.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Final Countdown!!!

All's last 2days be4 I go SG...
Hv I fully prepared?? Honestly tell u, no...
Mayb bcuz of the bloody exemption test @@", really makes my confidence fades away by time +.+...
I hv 2step onwards too!!! Tis is how life goes on !!!
So cruel...But so interesting n challenging =)...
Wat's there awaiting me far ahead??Continuous failure??Or glorious victories??
I dunno man~~but I like tis unknown things...I like...or should say I LOVE being surprised,especially when I utterly unprepared....Yeah~!!! Smtimes thy make me feel like I stil hv to CRAWL onwards,tiring....restless...or mayb even fruitless...
But so wat ?? I don care n I don scare!
That's me! That's wat i called "MyOwnWay"~!!!
NEVER been an easy 1...but ALWAZ appears 2be an attractiv 1...^^