Saturday, February 11, 2012



Yea it's true that I support the idea thoroughly, but I'm not an extremist, and therefore not going to take a vow to switch to vegetarianism all the sudden..
But yea, as a diver I'd minimized the consumption of seafood GREATLY over the years, and now I'd reduce the consumption of meat/flesh as well..

And also, taking the commitment to fast every Friday - No Meat Day~

其實素食也蠻好吃的... 只是在新島比較難找...

Anyway, as a whole, I'd like help my vegetarian friends to spread this idea:
"Be Veg! Go Green! Save the Planet!"

-Shin- '11022012

2 Love Quotes:

High five for "Go Veg for our Planet Earth!" =DDD
Haha i LOLed when i saw this item on your wishlist: 女朋友一个 [Crossed out]
Havent congratulate you personally pulak! Congratulations!! Wish the two of you 幸福美满~ <3