Sunday, November 07, 2010

What? Why?

I had my hands on a Civic wheels, enjoy seeing the speedometer gone crazy in front of me..

I had my lips on a wine glass, getting high with the stimulus from the Chenin Blanc...

I had my nose on a Starbucks cup, drown in the aroma of the soothing Cappucino..

I had my ass seated in Pekin Restaurant, laugh out so loud with my beloved DBU diving kakis...

I had my ears plugged with my SonicGear, spun my head Right Round together with Flo Rida...

I had my mind jumping on iTouch, getting addicted in the mysterious case of Sherlock Holmes...

I had my fingers crossing, solving and getting lost in the complexity of Sudoku...

I had all my elements in life revised this weekend.. They are fine...
And yet I'm getting lost in soul...

What else I am seeking for??

-Shin- '07112010

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