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5:45 PM
今天很多人都已不再相信上帝,why?因为他们以为人类已经解开了宇宙起源,生命形成的奥秘,and of cuz, the key to solve all these mysteries is Science, or more precisely, the 进化论...因此,Holy Bible中关于上帝创造世界人类的记载也就成了可以束之高阁的美丽神话了。这些人把进化论视为科学,又把科学理所当然地奉为推翻上帝的工具。Here, please allow me to raise 1 question : 当我们用科学的方法检验他们的观点时,它们是真的吗?
然而,科学和上帝还是互相关联的。许多伟大的科学家都是虔诚的基督徒,他们从来不觉得科学和上帝是对立、冲突的。其中有如证明太阳中心说的天文学创始人克卜勒(JohannKepler,1571-1630),大数学家、创动水力学和静水力学、发明气压计的巴斯加(BlaisePascal, 1623-1662),现代化学鼻祖、皇家学会创办人之一、发现气体力学原则的波义耳(RobertBoylet,1627-1691),美国自然历史鼻祖、当时动植物学权威雷伊(JohnRay,1627-1705),发现万有引力的物理学家牛顿(IsaacNewton,1642-1727),生物分类学鼻祖林奈(Carol Lus- -Linnaeus , 1707-1778),帕金森病因他发现而以他命名的帕金森(James Parkinson,1755-1824),现代原子学倡导者、发现色盲的道尔顿(JohnDalton,1766-1844),杰出的细菌学家、第一个认为细菌是致病原因的巴斯德(Louis Pasteur,1822-1895),还有许多科学家不胜枚举,欧洲首创从事科学研究的伦敦皇家学会(RoyalSociety)初期会员中百分之九十为基督徒。
教科书告诉我们,远古时代的社会生产力落后,人们因为对自然力量的惧怕心理,产生了膜拜,就成为宗教的最初形式;及至今天科学文明的发展,一切自然现象都被解释了,对鬼神的迷信自就可然破除。用这番理论鞭挞那些充斥着神话传说的民间信仰、愚人的宗教,是无情而有力的。就如当60年代美国人登陆月球以后,如果我们还把“常娥奔月”的故事刻画在寺庙的墙壁上,供以香炉,就不难看出我们民族落后世界文明的距离了。与此恰恰相反的是,尽管科技发展日新月异,却不曾对Holy BiBle和上帝有什么致命的打击,反更多地证明了Holy Bible的真实和奇妙。例如Holy Bible约伯记26章7节(Job 26:7)如此记载:上帝将北极铺在空中, “将大地悬在虚空” ;又在以赛亚书40章22节(Isaiah 40:22)说:上帝坐在“地球大圈”之上。请问,科学家是什么时候才确知地球是圆形、悬浮在太空?类似这样与科学相印证的经文在Holy Bible中不下300处。只有那些没有真正了解科学和上帝的人才会误以为这两者是对立、水火不容的。
所有人都把中世纪时期加俐略(Galileo Galilei, 1564–1642)受天主教迫害的事看成是科学和上帝的冲突。我们仔细研究历史资料就不难发现,当时的天主教并不是反科学,正好相反,教廷是拥护科学的。当时的科学是持“地心说”,以为地球是宇宙的中心,这个学说不是来自Holy Bible,它最早出自古希腊的哲学巨人亚力士多德,后经托勒米的的发扬而广传。而当时教廷的立场不是代表神学的立场,却是代表当时的科学,以科学的角度审判加俐略。所以,质言之,加俐略事件不代表科学和上帝的交锋,而是科学和科学的对撞,是新科学取代旧科学的对决,是真科学取代伪科学的对决。在此我们要注意一个科学的哲学:科学并不是不变的真理,它随时要被新的科学所替代。这个意思是说,今天你以为是科学的东西,说不定明天就被新的科学所推翻或取代了。科学的历史也正是遵循这个哲学规律在发展。
改篇: -Shin- '07
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7:40 PM
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5:02 PM
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2:07 AM
3 years I long for it, and then I saw the website - The NTU Dive Team.
Persuaded by Shan, I believe it's the time to juice my thirst =)
p/s : Thx God, and thx Shan for this~ Day 1530pm gather @ NTU's Sports & Recreation Center
Here we go ^^
Basically we spent our 1st bloody day/night on traveling... Sounds sux huh? >.<
But thx for this, I got to know more bout my fella group-mates - WenHao , KeeYang , PeiWen & Cyndi - all friendly Singaporeans~
Stanley's group~ ( Stanley is our dive instructor =P )
Every1 is getting spiritless thx for the 3hours bus ride and 3hours boat ride +.+"
We were divided into groups of 4 to each room~
Me with my roomie - Terence & JieWei~ Both of them r fun, humour, caring and kind ^^
Singaporean too =P
Day 2
The village was still sleeping, but we'd already awaken
--Had a short yet sound sleep the night be4~ Fully prepared for what'z oncoming~ ^^
Dive 1 @ Salang Jeti
Gears' up~
Still having my dive training~~
Communication is always 1 of the most important things to do >.<"
--My 1st open sea dive, had equalization problem when descending +.+"
Dive 2 @ Tulai Seafan Garden
Stanley's group having 2nd dive training~ Guess which 1 is me ? ^^
Stanley: Read! And as written! Or I'll punch you!
Whoever: Okok >.<"
--Hehehe~~ Had our training dives done after this 1 =P... The rest onwards r all leisure dives le~ ^^
Dive 3 @ Malang Rock
Get in position and ready to go !
Alwaz the 1st thing to search - Nemo!!
Caught sight of this guy just before we're about to leave~ =P
Okok... So far for today, the sun is setting >.<...
Prepare for dinner ba =P
-- My 1st Leisure Dive~ Wow, underwater world is so wonderful ^^ ... And I saw a medium size SHARK!! HAHAH~!!
Night... No electricity those bugger took almost whole night fixing it... And we?? Terpaksa feed mosquitoes out there, since it's too hot staying in the room...
Well, you know, Malaysia's mosquitoes....Fierce like ciaoz >.<"...
--Recall back when I was in NTU, School of Biological Science, doing my last experiment. Same thing happened, the electricity jump off just out of a sudden. The differences are that, the backup motor run on immediately, supporting those backup-bulb. And, the technicians appeared not 10minite after that, and everything return to normal 15minutes later....
What a difference!!
Day 3
Woke up early early again~~ Say "Hi!" ~!
Dive 4 @ Tioman Marine Park
--Fish Feeding acitvity~
Gearz' Up~!!
Got circled by lotz' fish when we gone down~=P
Donno what this thing call, probably some kinda coral, lotz' of them underwater >.<"
Hohoho... Sneaky fellow~!!
妈的....比饿鬼还够力 =.="
We're badly surrounded by fishes...
My finger kena bitten @@".....
--Fish-feeding and sight-seeing shipwreck~
Dive 5 @ Pulau Renggis
After 2hrs and 2 minutes' rest~ We're as 精神 as Dragon again =P
Six-barred Angelfish~
Nemo baba & Naughty Nemos~
Wtf is this?? -.-"
Barracuda~ (not very clear @@")
This is what they called Batfish, I guess @@"
Underwater Garden~ Love it =P
--Saw a sleeping turtle in this dive =P, but too bad the cameraman not around 2 take the photo~ >.<
Dive 6 @ Pulau Sepoi
--The cameraman didn't manage to take any photos in this dive, probably due to the low visibility and strong underwater current.
Nth better 2 do during our surface interval~ Followed those mad Singaporean, jump off from the boat @@"
whoa~ SONG AR!
Dive 7 @ Pulau Lapas
--Stanley bo shuang with the last dive, n decided 2 make this 1 adventurous abit - Cave Dive~ Wow~~
Hahah naughty Sharon was trying 2 grab me away from the camera =P
Do you know how nice finning beside those fishes?
Another Stingray~
Underwater vege?
Giant Moray~ Fierce @@"
Never able to spot it until Stanley shot it with his torch~
Red Sea Urchin~ Quite rare le ^^ is this....
--I can say that this dive is the best of all~ Saw 3Hawksbill Turtles =P, damn cute ^^ , and finning through the narrow caves... whoa~~ song ar!!
Made 4dives in a day~~ Consider pretty good for a Basic Open Water diver~ Thx 2 the passionate Stanley~
Good evening Tioman~~
Day 4
Good morning kitties~
Good-bye Tioman~~
Terence and Shin~
Graduation Ceremony~~~~~
Stanley's Group~!!
Sharon my pretty dive partner~
She's steady when underwater, nvr even need me 2 take care of her =)
::Eat . Sleep . Dive . ::
Never will forget this memorable trip =)
Diving is the best sports guyz~
Hail the NTU Dive Team~
Posted by
3:14 AM